Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Caesar salad

My friend made up this thing about caesar salad.
"Caesar salad has an unusual red color and is native to the Amazon, which tastes like salty towels and is salty and is shaped like a tetrahedron."
That is a combination.


Psyclist said...

Hi Henry,

Luna and Steven here. We want to thank you for the CD you sent. We really liked the songs you wrote. How'd you do that? Luna writes lyrics. Here's an example: Dance, dance, wet your pants. She says that soon she'll be ready to write you another song. She says she wants to tell you about Dance, Dance, Revolution. She wants you to know that "we dance on the revolution." See you soon.

Psyclist said...

Who is Fiona? Is Fiona a baby? I have a friend named Fiona. She is Amber's baby. Fiona has a sister named Grace.

hen said...

No, Fiona is one of my friends who thinks she is evil.