Monday, November 17, 2008

NFL Week 11 Interview - Compact Edition

Just a quick one this week, 'cause it's late on a Monday evening and we're all a bit behind. This time: Ten random questions for our resident football analyst.

1. Who deserves credit for the Dolphins' turnaround? Sparano? Parcells? Pennington? Porter? Someone else?

The whole team deserves credit. The coaching staff led by Sparano, the offense led by Pennington and Ronnie Brown, the defense led by Porter, the front office led by Parcells...

2. Name five sports clichés you'd like to see banished from the earth forever.

"left to right on your radio!" "they're a great football team on both sides of the football!" "Pursuit of Perfection"...that's only three.

3. Which aging player really needs to pack it in and retire?

In a little while, Marvin Harrison. He just isn't looking too good anymore. He did score a touchdown yesterday, but isn't really a playmaker anymore.

4. Which coach really needs to pack it in and give someone else a chance?

Jeff Fisher. He's doing a good job, but has had the Titans job for a very long time. Sal Paolantonio also lists him as an overrated coach.

5. If the NFL draft were held today, which college player would be the #1 pick and why?

Honestly, I don't know. Many draft analysts think the first round picks are going to somehow be mostly all offensive linemen, and many players in the backfield are up-and-down.

6. Which is the best way to kill an afternoon: a) attending an NFL game, b) watching a game on TV, c) listening to a game on the radio during a picnic, or d) playing Madden and NFL Street? Explain the reason for your choice.

All of the above. "a" is very exciting, "b" is good because we have NFL Sunday Ticket, "c" is a great experience, and "d" is very fun.

7. Describe the content of your school Reflections project for your blog-readers around the globe. What was the assignment, and how did you execute it?

The Reflections product was a project in which I had to cover a topic related to the topic "Wow!". I chose a play from 2003 called the River City Relay.

8. Which Manning brother is playing better right now -- Peyton or Eli? If you answer Cooper, you'd better have a good explanation.

Eli. The Giants are currently one of the best teams in the NFC.

9. If you were to assemble a fantasy backfield (including tight end and wide receiver) from all NFL players past and present, what would it be?

Johnny Unitas, Walter Payton, Bronko Nagurski, Jerry Rice, Deion Sanders and Ozzie Newsome.

10. The final spot will be left open for Henry's traditional "write whatever you want" post.

The Lions need to learn how to win games. Perhaps they should attend the "Remedial Scoring Points" class at the "Football School".

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