Monday, December 29, 2008

NFL Week 17 - Final Regular Season Edition

We are back, folks, in more ways than one -- we just returned from a holiday trip to visit the family in Atlanta. The first 72 hours were great fun -- and then Delta Airlines got a hold of us. The only good part of the subsequent FIVE-HOUR DELAY was that we got to watch a lot of football while idling in the terminal.

Anyway... herewith, the final regular-season edition of our weekly football blog. And there is lots to discuss with our veteran 10-year-old football analyst.

1. OK! Very exciting final week of the season, with plenty of fireworks both on and off the field. Let's start with the beatdown the Eagles laid on Dallas -- was that a statement game or what?

It sure was. And because Oakland had beaten the Bucs, they got into the playoffs.

2. Wade Phillips is keeping his job, despite overseeing the hideous collapse (both on and off the field) of a team that had been tapped as a surefire Super Bowl contender. Is that smart or stupid?

I don't think he should keep his job. He's been mediocre, and really hasn't done much to help his collapsing team.

3. Speaking of the coaching carousel, Eric Mangini got booted within hours of the Jets' loss to the (yay) Dolphins. I don't think I agree with this move... how about you?

I don't agree with it either. But he was in New York, where coaches pretty much have to win.

4. Still on the Jets: I guess we have to talk one last time about the Brett Favre Experiment. He's saying he needs an MRI on his shoulder, and that the results will influence his decision whether or not to return. Sounds like an excuse to me. Will -- and should -- Favre come back for one more year?

Brett Favre probably will retire. I'm not sure if he should come back, though, because his performance has deteriorated.

5. Gotta pause for a moment to talk about the Patriots. After the year they've had, going 11-5 with Matt Cassel yet missing the playoffs... is that right? Should the NFL rethink its playoff formula?

If exceptions like this continue to be rare, then no. But their formula is a bit odd.

6. Meanwhile, the Cardinals (even in a victory over the Seahogs) look less impressive by the week. Is this an "out in the first round" playoff team?

Yep, especially against Fat-lanta.

7. Back to coaches: Romeo Crennel -- gone. Rod Marinelli -- gone. Deserved or not? And who the heck are they going to get to coach in Detroit?

I think they definitely deserved it. And as for coaching in Detroit, Mangini might work, and so would Bill Cowher.

8. Who do you think will be the next coaches to get whacked?

Jack Del Rio...hmm...I can't think of any realistic possibilities. Jacksonville likes Del Rio, anyway.

9. OK, let's start thinking ahead to the playoffs, specifically the wild-card round. Ravens/Dolphins -- which team has more momentum coming into this game?

Baltimore, especially because they beat Miami earlier in the season.

10. Colts vs. Chargers. Hard to pick against the Colts. What do you think?

Yes, it is. But I believe San Diego has a good chance of winning if they play like they did against Denver.

11. Falcons/Cardinals -- the battle of the birds! I think the Falcs will wipe the floor with the fading Cards, even in the latter's home stadium. How about you?

I do too. Arizona barely beat Seattle.

12. Finally, Eagles vs. Vikings. I still have to remind myself that the Vikings were division champs, that's how off-the-radar they are. And the Eagles have been pretty streaky. I think this is a hard pick -- how about you?

I'd pick the Vikings, unless the Eagles have another offensive explosion. But it is hard to believe that Minnesota won the division.

13. Looking even further ahead, the second-rounders are the Giants, Titans, Steelers and Panthers. Who's the toughest to beat in this group?

Erm...maybe Carolina at this point. The NFC looks stronger than the AFC in this category.

14. Finally, I guess you're going to have to revise your Giants-Patriots Super Bowl pick. Now that we know all the playoff teams... who's it gonna be?

Giants-Titans. But it's hard to tell.

15. Bonus question: A big sigh for the '08 Lions, who will forever live in infamy, with that Dan Orlovsky safety endlessly replayed on SportsCenter. If you could say one thing to the members of this accursed squad, what would it be?

"Shouldn't have fired Matt Millen". (NOTE: THAT WAS A JOKE!)

16. Whew! Big blog post today. Now comes the point where Hen gets to type whatever he wants.

Mike Singletary will remain as San Francisco's head coach.

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