Sunday, January 11, 2009

NFL Week 19 - Divisional Playoff Weekend

Welcome! It's back-to-school eve, and the end of an insane weekend of stunning upsets in the NFL. Let's check in with our ten-year-old sports analyst and get his take on all the exciting action.

1. For starters, I'm sure glad my office football pool was on hiatus this week, 'cause I would have blown all four games. Let's start with the big shocker, the continuing horror that is the Arizona Cardinals. They -- an 8-8 team with a miserable, non-threatening logo -- are going to host the NFC Championship game! Talk about three keys to this team's success.

• Their offense got them past Atlanta.
• Their defense intercepted Jake Delhomme four times.
• Edgerrin James and Tim Hightower both played well.

2. I know Jake Delhomme had a lousy birthday, but were his five turnovers the only problem with the Panthers on Saturday?

The Cardinals completely shut down Carolina. DeAngelo Williams was held to 63 yards, and 31 of them were on one carry.

3. On to the equally surprising Ravens, a leaden, plodding team that once again finds themselves a step from the Super Bowl. This time around, at least, they seem to have an actual quarterback. Is Huge Joe Flacco the main strength of this club, or does it lie elsewhere?

Their defense is definitely their strength, especially the secondary and linebackers.

4. I am sincerely stunned to see the Tennessee Titans out of it. Will they be competitive next year? And will the aging but still plucky Kerry Collins be their starter, or do they need to get on with the Vince Young Era?

They may be competitive next year, but most likely not with Vince Young. He could, however, improve in training camp.

5. On the other hand, I was really not that surprised to see the Eagles run all over the Giants. The Eagles seem to have tons of momentum right now. What's fueling their astonishing resurgence?

It's hard to tell, but DeSean Jackson and Brian Westbrook are helping a lot.

6. Everyone talks about the moment Andy Reid benched Donovan McNabb as the turning point of the season. Do you agree?

How is that the turning point? It was bad for the team.

7. It was a bad day for the Giants' Eli Manning, who reverted to his old Eli Bernstein ways with a particularly unmemorable performance. Will this team be competitive next season, or is this the start of a fall to mediocrity?

They'll definitely be competitive, but we don't know how competitive -- the last two seasons have been polar opposites.

8. Finally, Pittsburgh-San Diego. The Chargers seemed like another of those teams with a lot of momentum, but Pittsburgh handled them easily in the snow. What were the keys to the Steelers' victory?

San Diego was pretty competitive, but Ben Roethlisberger recovered very well.

9. Guess you're going to have to revise that prediction of a Giants/Titans/Panthers Super Bowl now that all of those teams have fallen. Give us your new pick for the matchup, and explain why.

Er... I'd say Steelers vs. Cardinals, going against your picks. The Cardinals have momentum, and Pittsburgh can overpower Baltimore.

10. And who's going to win that Super Bowl?

THE STEEL CURTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11. Random question (and I don't think I've already asked you this): Which city should get the next new NFL franchise?

Los Angeles.

12. We'll see you next week for the championship round, folks. Now comes the point where Hen gets to type whatever he wants.

Super Bowl possibilities: (1 for impossible, 10 for certain)

Cardinals vs. Steelers (8/10)

Eagles vs. Steelers (7.5/10)

Cardinals vs. Ravens (7/10)

Ravens vs. Eagles (7.5/10)

All likely!

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