Sunday, January 25, 2009

NFL Week 20.5 Interview - Turn The Tables Edition!

Well, I (Henry) usually answer the questions. But on this Sunday, I will be asking the questions, and our 45-year-old football analyst will answer them.

1. What made you want to do this "Turn The Tables Edition"?

Sometimes I feel like I'm driving the discourse with my interview questions, so I wanted to give Henry the chance to set the agenda. Plus I'm always intrigued to see what emerges from The Mind of Hen.

2. As far as I know, Oakland hasn't hired a coach yet. But Tom Cable is the frontrunner. Is he right for the job?

Honestly, that job is so fraught with peril that if Tom Cable wants it, he should get it. You'll note that for all the recent coaching changes, not one of the top-tier candidates chose to meet with the Raiders. Because really, who wants to work for Crazy Al Davis?

3. On another topic, some think this Super Bowl is going to be one of the worst/lowest rated ever. Do you agree?

I do. I think that outside of Greater Phoenix, no one cares a whit for the Arizona Cardinals, no matter how inspiring The Kurt Warner Story is. We did that story ten years ago. The Steelers are always a good draw, but Pittsburgh isn't really a major market, and I'm sure the embittered Eagles fans on the other side of the state won't be watching.

It could be a good game, though, for the fourteen people who choose to tune in.

4. What do you think are the strengths of the Cardinals and Steelers?

I think the Steelers' primary strength is Ben Roethlisberger's ability to improvise. They have a lot of talent on the offensive side, and of course their defense has always been tough. But how many times this season did we see Big Ben make something out of nothing?

On the Cardinals' side of the ball, this team has confounded me again and again, because beyond Larry Fitzgerald they don't really seem to have Super-Bowl-caliber players. So I'd say their greatest strength is that people (like me) routinely underestimate them.

5. I didn't think the Cardinals would get this far when the playoff schedules were announced. Did you?

Not in a million, billion years. I think I've mentioned that Cris Collinsworth called them something like "the worst playoff team ever," and I was inclined to agree. Nobody, including me, saw them getting this far. And now Sports Illustrated is picking them to win!

6. The Steelers were under the radar for most of the season. They obtained a first-round bye, and beat the Chargers and Ravens, two strong teams. Did you notice how well they were doing?

Kind of. They were sort of bubbling under, while teams like the Falcons (with an exciting rookie) and Titans (ditto) and Ravens (ditto ditto) were getting all the press. I think the Steelers have become one of those teams like the Colts that we just expect to be good.

7. After the Cardinals did terribly at the end of the regular season, I'm sure you didn't think they would get to the Super Bowl. Why did you think that?

Bad logo. Seriously. I have never liked this team because of their logo. It is lame, and looks particularly bad against those white helmets. Thank goodness the Ravens aren't in the Super Bowl, because they're the only team in the league whose logo is worse.

By the way, good logos include the Cowboys (best in the league), Steelers, Chargers, Rams/Vikings and Browns (I'm not kidding).

8. Which quarterback will play better?

You know, in spite of what I said above, I might have to go with Kurt Warner. As exciting as Roethlisberger can be, he can also be streaky, while Warner tends to play with a veteran's steady precision.

9. Running back?

Willie Parker. I think Tim Hightower will succumb to rookie-in-the-Super-Bowl freakout and finish with like 32 yards.

10. Receiving corps?

Is Hines Ward playing? Is J.J. Arrington? I think this could be a wash. Weirdly, it might depend on whether Anquan Boldin gets over his bizarre anger issues; if so, that could give the Cards the edge.

11. Who do you think will win?

Just to make it interesting, I'm going to pick the Steelers. But I think it will be relatively low-scoring and fairly close.

12. And what do you think the score will be?

20-17 Steelers.

Bonus questions:

13. Do you approve of the 2010 Pro Bowl being played outside of Honolulu?

No, I don't. Why mess with tradition? It's fun to have the game in Hawaii. We see enough games in Miami.

14. And what about its being played before the Super Bowl?

Definitely no! Don't these people understand the psychology of NFL fans? We like that the Pro Bowl is a bonus game after the Super Bowl is over. Now the big game is the end of the entire season, and that is no good.

15. And now we're at the period where Tow gets to type whatever he wants.

I have a new appreciation for how hard Henry works on these weekly blogs. There's a lot more typing for the interviewee!

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