Tuesday, February 03, 2009

NFL Final Week - Super Bowl Edition

And so this wondrous season draws to a close. Super Bowl Weekend also featured another big event -- Henry's birthday -- and so may I present to you, for the first time anywhere... our 11-year-old football analyst!

1. Monday morning, sports talk radio was full of a lot of "greatest of all time" chatter about Super Bowl 43. Do you agree it was the best ever? Why or why not? Can you name a Super Bowl that was better?

People also said this about last year's Super Bowl. That one was at least as good.

2. I think we need to pause for a moment of self-congratulation. You and I both correctly predicted the winner, and we got awfully close on the final score. I said 20-17 Steelers, and you said 27-17 Steelers. You said the game would hinge on "some deep passes by both teams, or key turnovers" -- it certainly did -- while I spotlighted "Ben Roethlisberger's ability to improvise," which was definitely a big factor in the Pittsburgh victory. But what were the big surprises of the game, from your point of view?

I was surprised by how close Arizona came to winning. I didn't expect that.

3. The Super Bowl MVP was Santonio Holmes. Was that the correct choice?

I'd say it was. James Harrison did well, but one great play isn't enough, at least in the eyes of the voters.

4. If Arizona had won, who would be their MVP?

Kurt Warner. He threw for 377 yards.

5. How would you evaluate the performance of each quarterback?

As I said, Kurt Warner did an amazing job. Ben Roethlisberger also did well. It may not show in his stats, but it showed in the game.

6. How about the running backs?

Eek. Edgerrin James had only 33 yards on nine carries. Willie Parker didn't do much better, with 19 carries for 53 yards.

7. Receiving corps?

This was the highlight of the game. Larry Fitzgerald had a 100-yard game, and Anquan Boldin had 84 yards. As for Pittsburgh, MVP Santonio Holmes played well.

8. Defense?

Hmm...they were pretty even. But I'd say Pittsburgh.

9. Who outcoached whom in Super Bowl 43?

Not sure here. But Pittsburgh was the winning team, so they might deserve recognition here...

10. I hate to ask this, 'cause it's kind of a hackneyed topic, but did you have a favorite commercial?

Careerbuilder.com's. "If you hate going to work, your coworkers disrespect you, you dream of going other places, you cry often, you dream of punching small animals and you sit next to this guy...it may be time."

11. Nobody predicted this championship matchup at the start of the season, but in the modern Cowher/Tomlin era, Pittsburgh has become one of the perennially good teams. Do you think they can make another run next season?

Perhaps. But I don't see them in the Super Bowl.

12. On the other had, as we've often talked about, the Cardinals' march to the Super Bowl was astounding and unprecedented. Will this be a championship-level team next year, or were they merely a one-season fluke?

Somewhere in between. They'll be pretty good, I don't see them reaching the Super Bowl, like I didn't with Pittsburgh.

13. How much does Kurt Warner have to do with the answer to that last question?

He's an important part of the team, but he won't be around much longer in the NFL.

14. How do you think Matt Leinart feels right now?

Mostly sad. His team lost and he didn't play.

15. One or two more questions, then we're done, I promise. What were your three favorite moments of the past season?

I don't know...I can't recall that much from this season that was notable.

16. I know your favorite player used to be Jerry Porter back when he played with the Raiders. Do you have a favorite now?

No, not really.

17. And finally: Did you enjoy doing a weekly blog this year? Would you like to do it again next year? And do you think you'll feel like doing a Pro Bowl or NFL Draft edition?

Yes and yes.

18. Now, for the last time in the 2008 NFL season, comes the point where Hen gets to type whatever he wants.

There may also be occasional offseason updates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were both right about the Steelers winning. The victory parade went right near my office and several of us went outside to cheer on the team even though it was bitterly cold. I think 350,000 Steelers fans showed up in Downtown Pittsburgh, which isn't a very big area. It was madness but fun madness. Enjoy the off-season!
